Montreal Comic Arts Festival (MCAF)

We’re so excited to be tabling at the wonderful and rapidly expanding Montreal Comic Arts Festival (MCAF) again this year! You can find this outdoor street festival on Saint-Denis Street between Gilford and Roy. We’ll be in section A, tent 9.
We’ll have a wide array of recent graphic novels, as well as a decent selection of oldies-but-goodies. But of course, the artists are the highlight of the show, and this year we’ll be bringing along Indigenous Voices Award-winner Cole Pauls with Kwändǖr, debut graphic novelist Kyle Vingoe-Cram with Kettle Harbour, the talented Chris W Kim with Adherent and celebrated comic artist Rupert Bottenberg with a sneak peek at Between Gentlemen.
Signing Schedule
11:00-12:00: Cole Pauls
12:30-1:30: Kyle Vingoe-Cram
2:00-3:00: Chris W Kim
3:30-4:30: Rupert Bottenberg
11:00-12:00: Chris W Kim
12:30-1:30: Rupert Bottenberg
2:00-3:00: Cole Pauls
3:30-4:30: Kyle Vingoe-Cram